
The Grouch

In 2008, John McCain was struggling in the Iowa polls as the presidential race wound to the finish. McCain stopped by the Des Moines Register for a lengthy chat on the last day of September. As reported by The Washington Monthly, "It didn't go well. ... the transcripts alone don't convey just how angry and sarcastic McCain became when challenged."

Today, there is no end to the advice presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are receiving in advance of Wednesday's first debate. Many say that style will be more important than substance: looking and acting presidential will be paramount.

In a recent The Huffington Post article, political strategist Hilary Rosen offered this advice for President Obama: "Stay nice. ... One of the greatest gifts America has is a president who is kind and warm with a big smile and compassionate heart.  That is the president who will win the first debate."

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