
Fargo, Yes; West Wing, No

In 2008, the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin was held in St. Louis on October 2. Howard Fineman, writing for Newsweek, initially thought it would be the longest 90 minutes of Palin's life. But after acknowledging that she did not win the debate, he noted that his original assessment was "ridiculously wrong" and that the debate was no fun for Biden. "Palin grew up a hunter in Alaska. ... She learned to stalk and bag her prey. Here ... she was stalking a pinstriped senator."

As preparations continue for tomorrow's presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, pundits are already predicting winners and losers. Roger Simon of Politico offers this: "There are three things Mitt Romney must do to win the first presidential debate on Wednesday. Unfortunately, nobody knows what they are."

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