
Rocky Mountain Vie

Political analysts tagged Colorado as one of the big five swing states in the 2008 presidential election and a predictor of how the nation would vote. An Obama win in the state could denote a shift in the Electoral College count seismic enough to deny McCain the presidency.

Polls through September 11 showed the Illinois Senator up by 3 points. Besting Senator McCain's national trend, Mr. Obama was winning men 49 to 46. His appeal to upscale whites, Hispanics, Boulder liberals, and swing suburbanites was considered a threat to the one-time Republican state.

After revealing a 5 point lead in early August 2012, polls conducted September 11-17, 2012 showed Republican challenger Mitt Romney trailing President Barack Obama in Colorado by one point, 47 to 46.

The President gained ground on Mr. Romney on the issue of the economy.

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