
Bickering and Bouncing

On September 8, 2008, David Remnick of The New Yorker wrote of the historic significance of the Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton Democratic Primary campaign: "No banality of cable news commentary - not even the mad bickering among the anchors on MSNBC - could eclipse the meaning and the emotion of their prolonged race, the Party's dramatic reconciliation, and Obama's fiercely eloquent acceptance speech."

In 2012, the Dem and GOP campaigns and party nominations are less historically significant, MSNBC had no bickering anchors (although Chris Matthews made some news), GOP presenters promoted themselves more than their candidate, and the media is abuzz with charges that President Obama's speech was "flat."

Post-convention poll numbers are already rolling in, and as of Friday, September 7, Gallup shows President Obama with a 4-point lead over Mitt Romney, 49% to 45%.

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