
Debate No. 1: Change v. Maverick

Jim Lehrer moderated the first 2008 presidential debate, held on September 26. While intended to cover national security and foreign affairs, the U.S. financial crisis weighed heavily during the opening questions. Lehrer's attempt to encourage eye contact during the opening was somewhat futile.

Senator McCain hammered Senator Obama on earmarks and pork barrel spending. Obama chastised McCain's complicity during an orgy of spending under President Bush. "You voted for almost all of his budgets. To stand here and say that after eight years you're going to lead on controlling spending and balancing our tax cuts for middle-class families ... it's kind of hard to swallow."

On foreign policy, McCain cited his reputation as a maverick, particularly when it came to banning torture. McCain touted his many foreign travels and relationship with foreign leaders, and claimed Obama's views on foreign policy to be naive.

Obama challenged McCain's effectiveness. "Over the last eight years, this administration, along with Senator McCain, has been solely focused on Iraq. That has been their priority. That is where all their resources have gone. In the meantime, Osama bin Laden is still out there. He is not captured. He is not killed. Al Qaeda is resurgent."

By 12:22 a.m. on September 27, MTV News published a comprehensive debate report on their website. Spirited commentary ensued.

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