
Come Together

In September 2008, the Barack Obama presidential campaign was foundering - taken off-guard when John McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin began to dominate the news. With prominent Democrats fretting over tight poll numbers, Mr. Obama paid a visit to the master.

Bill Clinton had been a fiercely vocal opponent of Obama during Hillary's run at the nomination but - with the party's best interests in mind - the two former rivals met for lunch and chat at Clinton's office in Harlem on September 11, 2008.

At the Democratic National Convention last week, the Obama campaign once again called on Clinton, who gave a rousing speech in support of Obama that has been lauded by both left and right. Yesterday, Clinton spoke to voters in Florida, and plans additional speeches in other swing states.

Clinton is the only Democrat to serve two presidential terms since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Obama hopes to join the club in November.

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